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Reviews by Nobody Important


A 3rd Time to Die by George Bernstein

A 3rd Time to Die - George A Bernstein, Publishing LLC,  GnD
Content (overall theme, idea and setting) - A 3rd Time to Die is a book with a rare idea. It is always unpredictable and you are always wondering what was going to happen next. The story comes to life through scenic settings and layers of conflict between Craig and Ashley. 

What I liked - When you first consider the idea the author has introduced about Craig and Ashley reuniting from their past lives, it’s not believable but as you turn the pages, the story sucks you in and the book becomes unputdownable. Thoroughly enjoyed the book and can’t wait to read another book by George Bernstein. 

What I didn’t like – We were given a review copy that had multiple formatting errors and this made for a difficult, slow read. The text was dotted with symbols and the paragraph breaks were not consistent. 

Disclosure - As a Quality Reads Book Club member, I received a free copy of this book from the author via Orangeberry Book Tours in exchange for my honest review.
Source: http://nobodyimportantreviews.blogspot.com