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Reviews by Nobody Important


The Hunter's Son (JC Mather, #1)

The Hunter's Son (JC Mather, #1) - B.E. Jewell Who in this book would you most like to meet?
JC. His character has many different layers and I would have liked to meet him to find out more about this complex character.

Do any characters grow or change during the course of the novel?
JC has to grow up very quickly and this is a main part of the book. The way he is written in makes it easy for readers to connect with him.

What motivates a given character’s actions?
JC is motivated by revenge. His grandfather, mom and dad were killed. I think he does, what he has to.

Disclosure - As a Quality Reads Book Club member, I received a free copy of this book from the author via Orangeberry Book Tours in exchange for my honest review.