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Reviews by Nobody Important


Redwood Violet

Redwood Violet - Robin Mahle
List the characters and describe them. Katie – adult, kidnapped as a child;

Spenser – boyfriend to Katie taking bar exam;

Avery Marshall – city detective in finding missing people;

Sam – best friend to Katie;

Jennifer - coworker to Katie;

Dr Reyes – helping Katie with hypnotherapy;

Deborah – Katie’s mother;

John – Katie’s father

Who do you think the author intended to read this book and why? The book is targeted at readers who enjoy whodunit mysteries or suspense genre.

Did you find this book a quick read? It was a very quick reading until I got to the end and realized that nothing was told. Readers will need to read the second book in the series to learn (understand) everything.

Disclosure: I received a review copy of this book from the author.