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Reviews by Nobody Important


A 3rd Time to Die by George Bernstein

A 3rd Time to Die - George A Bernstein, Publishing LLC,  GnD
Content (overall theme, idea and setting) - A 3rd Time to Die is a book with a rare idea. It is always unpredictable and you are always wondering what was going to happen next. The story comes to life through scenic settings and layers of conflict between Craig and Ashley. 

What I liked - When you first consider the idea the author has introduced about Craig and Ashley reuniting from their past lives, it’s not believable but as you turn the pages, the story sucks you in and the book becomes unputdownable. Thoroughly enjoyed the book and can’t wait to read another book by George Bernstein. 

What I didn’t like – We were given a review copy that had multiple formatting errors and this made for a difficult, slow read. The text was dotted with symbols and the paragraph breaks were not consistent. 

Disclosure - As a Quality Reads Book Club member, I received a free copy of this book from the author via Orangeberry Book Tours in exchange for my honest review.
Source: http://nobodyimportantreviews.blogspot.com

The Hunter's Son (JC Mather, #1)

The Hunter's Son (JC Mather, #1) - B.E. Jewell Who in this book would you most like to meet?
JC. His character has many different layers and I would have liked to meet him to find out more about this complex character.

Do any characters grow or change during the course of the novel?
JC has to grow up very quickly and this is a main part of the book. The way he is written in makes it easy for readers to connect with him.

What motivates a given character’s actions?
JC is motivated by revenge. His grandfather, mom and dad were killed. I think he does, what he has to.

Disclosure - As a Quality Reads Book Club member, I received a free copy of this book from the author via Orangeberry Book Tours in exchange for my honest review.

Tainted Waters

Tainted Waters - Maggie Thom Did the book end the way you expected? No. Every week when we discussed the book at the book club, we tried to formulate an ending based on the clues we were given. By the time we got to the ending, we were completely surprised.
Top 3 things I liked about the whole book. This book was filled suspense. I also liked that both the main characters were able to work with each other. Thirdly, I liked that the plot moved seamlessly. There were no jerks and you just can't wait to get to the end.
Cover. It was colorful and spooky. I would definitely have picked the book up on a book store. It looked mysterious and the blue background definitely hinted the lagoon is somehow involved in the story.

Disclosure - As a Quality Reads Book Club member, I received a free copy of this book from the author via Orangeberry Book Tours in exchange for my honest review.

Family Magic: 1

Family Magic: 1 - Patti Larsen Which did you find more appealing, the introduction or the conclusion? The conclusion. When I realised this book was part of a series, I was expecting a weak conclusion which the author would then continue in the next book. Fortunately, this book wasn't like that and I loved every bit of the ending.
Why would you recommend or not recommend this book? I would recommend this book . It was a fun book about witches and their powers. In some ways, the book reminded me about the series, Charmed.
Did the book description relate to the story? The description was accurate and it was wonderful to see that this book is doing so well and that the series has grown into so many books.

Disclosure - As a Quality Reads Book Club member, I received a free copy of this book from the author via Orangeberry Book Tours in exchange for my honest review.

Jack Canon's American Destiny

Jack Canon's American Destiny - Greg Sandora What were the main themes of the book? Murder, deceit, lies, money, greed and love. The author executed all themes well and this was a fantastic book. In many ways, the main character, Jack Canon is like Tom Clancy's, Jack Ryan but he has
Describe 2 different settings or locations. The Bugatti. The description of this French sports car made me drool. It was very rare, black metallic and cost more than $1.6 million. The second location that stood out for me was Sandy's apartment where Lisa and Steve were killed .
Were you able to connect with the main character and why? I think more than the character, I was able to connect with the issues that were brought up in the book. The economy, the political situation and the fickle minds of politicians is something that is currently happening.

Disclosure - As a Quality Reads Book Club member, I received a free copy of this book from the author via Orangeberry Book Tours in exchange for my honest review.

Straight Dope A 360 degree look into American drug culture

Straight Dope A 360 degree look into American drug culture - LeRon Barton What did you think of the style of the writer? Many of us at the book club felt like this book was necessary given the way teenagers experiment with drugs these days. However, the writing style was a big turn off and it felt like a 6th grader wrote the articles.

What are the most important relationships in the book? The addicts and their drug of choice. I would have liked some addicts to have shown remorse, as I am sure there are those who do but this book was centred on those who cared for nothing but drugs.

What is stronger in the book: plot or character development? Neither and yes it was intentional on the author’s part.

Disclosure: I received a review copy of this book from the author.
Death In Bagheria (A Serafina Florio Mystery, #3) - Susan Russo Anderson Did the plot pull you in or did you feel you had to force yourself to read the book? The plot pulled me in and I could not stop reading. Serafina is an inquisitive character that has you going from one scene to another with more curiosity than when you started.

Did the actions of the characters seem plausible? They were very realistic. I felt transported back to the 1870’s in Italy. I pictured everything so vividly in my mind.

What are some of the book's themes? Murder, betrayal, deceit, lies. They were all important to the storyline and necessary for the characters to progress.

Disclosure: I received a review copy of this book from the author.

White Chalk

White Chalk - Pavarti K. Tyler Did the plot pull you in or did you feel you had to force yourself to read the book? Every page was so eventful, you didn't have a chance to stop and think about deconstructing so obviously, the book pulled this reader in.

How realistic was the characterization? Anyone who knows a teenager will know that the characterization was perfect. The way each character interacts and thinks, this author either has experience dealing with teenagers or she has done some very extensive research.

Why do you think the author wrote this book? By the the notes at the end of the book, I'm am guessing this author has either had experience with this issue or is trying to send a message to teenagers and parents. Ultimately, the question is WHAT IF my teenager ends up like this?

Disclosure: I received a review copy of this book from the author.

The Granite Key: Arkana Archaeology Thriller Mysteries #1

The Granite Key: Arkana Archaeology Thriller Mysteries #1 - N. S. Wikarski Continue story, why? I would fix the open ending. Many of us at the book club found this a bit irritating. We understand the need for a series but the abrupt ending was not at all appealing.

5 major events in order? Sybil murdered. Cassie joined the secret society. Abraham sent Daniel and Leroy to find the missing artifact. Faye sent her crew to look for the artifact. Everyone came back without it.

Beginning of book? The beginning was Cassie dreaming about her sister being murdered which then sets the chain of events for the rest of the story.

Disclosure: I received a review copy of this book from the author.

Spare Change

Spare Change - Bette Lee Crosby Describe 2 different settings or locations. When Olivia left Charlie’s car on the side of the road. I can almost picture him cringing even though he is dead. Olivia takes a baseball bat to defend Ethan.

Formatting / Appearance. Everything was perfect with this book.

What is the time period in which the book happens? The book starts out in 1923 and quickly moves to the 1950’s. Sometimes it gave the impression that this story was someone the author knew.

Disclosure: I received a review copy of this book from the author.
Secret Words (Secret Dreams Contemporary Romance 1) - Miranda P. Charles Do you find the characters convincing? Kane seemed too perfect for my liking but Jasmine was convincing and her problems seemed real.

How would the book have been different if it had taken place in a different time or place? I don't think time or place would have made a difference to this story. In some ways, it felt like the movie The Bodyguard (Kevin Costner & Whitney Houston)

What problems does one of the characters have, and how does he or she solve it? Jasmine meets Kane, whom she really likes but then finds out he is engaged to someone else and becomes confused about whether or not to pursue a relationship with him.

Disclosure: I received a review copy of this book from the author.


Untethered - Katie Hayoz What alternative title would you choose for this book? Nothing comes to mind and this title was perfect. Sylvie wants to be free and she almost succeeds but pays a very heavy price.

Share a quote or two from the book. "My hoodies becomes a part of me. A shelter." I think many teenagers will be able to relate to this. Heck, so can I and I'm not even a teenager.

Share a favorite scene from the book. When Kevin's mum discovers him (Sylvie) painting. I swear, if I were in her shoes I would be stunned too. This was an entertaining scene.

Disclosure: I received a review copy of this book from the author.

How You Leave Texas

How You Leave Texas - Alana Cash Favourite scene …. When all of Walker and Dusty's assets were frozen.

How would the book have been different if it had taken place in a different time or place? The book was wide open for different experiences by being in LA.

What did the title have to do with the book? Because everyone wants out of Texas and go to a city that had more success in store for them.

Disclosure: I received a review copy of this book from the author.

Tainted Love: The Faith McKenzie Story

Tainted Love: The Faith McKenzie Story - Erin Cawood Like to meet? Faith. She's definitely my new role model. Although it may seem that she was weak, very few of us would have done things differently if we were in her shoes.

Characters grow or change? Faith changed a great deal, but it took over 20 years.

What motivates character? Fear finally convinced her to leave. She should have left a lot sooner, although of course, the story would have been different.

Disclosure: I received a review copy of this book from the author.

The Kings of Charleston (Volume 1)

The Kings of Charleston - Kat H. Clayton Which did you find more appealing, the introduction or the conclusion? I actually liked both very much and can't seem to pick only one. I do especially like the author's portrayal of how money and power can so easily corrupt people.

Which characters do you particularly admire or dislike? I admire Casper and Cal for having the courage to get away. Didn't think much of her dad for getting his daughter to do the dirty work for him.

If you could continue the story, what events would you include? Charge Tyson with murder and to bust this society wide open.

Disclosure: I received a review copy of this book from the author.

Redwood Violet

Redwood Violet - Robin Mahle
List the characters and describe them. Katie – adult, kidnapped as a child;

Spenser – boyfriend to Katie taking bar exam;

Avery Marshall – city detective in finding missing people;

Sam – best friend to Katie;

Jennifer - coworker to Katie;

Dr Reyes – helping Katie with hypnotherapy;

Deborah – Katie’s mother;

John – Katie’s father

Who do you think the author intended to read this book and why? The book is targeted at readers who enjoy whodunit mysteries or suspense genre.

Did you find this book a quick read? It was a very quick reading until I got to the end and realized that nothing was told. Readers will need to read the second book in the series to learn (understand) everything.

Disclosure: I received a review copy of this book from the author.